“All organizations are perfectly designed to get the results they get” ~ Arthur W. Jones

I was first exposed to this quote while working at one of Proctor & Gamble’s high performance plant’s in the mid 90’s. After hearing it, I became fascinated by the notion that a change in results could be ‘designed’ – most people think change is simply about strategy and people. Going forward, I experimented with design elements, that along with People, include Structure, Information, Rewards, Tasks and Decision-Making and learned how they interact and impact performance.

After several years, I began focussing my attention on Structure, the heart of organization design, and began to challenge the assumptions inherent in the design of pretty much every organization out there.

This site is a compilation of almost thirty years of that work. Inside you will find foundational material or design elements, detailed explanations of core concepts, as well as new commentary/blogs as I delve deeper and deeper into the material.

Come explore – and together we can #ReThinkOrgs